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My start up failure


You're probably wondering what start ups have to do with my author brand, and well, the answer is everything. Let me give you the back story.

In 2023 while on holiday, I had the idea to work on some digital products for the tech space. Its a cause close to my heart because publishing as an industry is very behind the rest of the world when it comes to tech. After about 6 x months of brainstorming, I finally arrived at an idea, and I got very excited, because it seemed so simple.

I wanted to create a subscription system for readers, solely based on indie author books (first fantasy, with the idea to role out into other genres if it did well), and the authors would get a much higher percentage of their royalty. And I had an out of the box solution I could use to prove the concept would work, before investing significant amounts of cash into something custom. I also had the network to approach.

But guess what?

I failed.

Sure, I was disappointed at the time, because I truly believe we're onto something here. We have so many authors unhappy with certain popular publishing platforms, and we have readers ready to support us.

The reason why I don't view this as a failure, is because I put myself out there and I let my creativity take hold. And I learned something from it. Sure, it didn't work out the way I had hoped, but I have to believe timing is everything. And while the idea is great, maybe, just maybe I can try again in a few months and get a different result. I'm just not ready to give up on the tech that makes my self published dreams possible yet.

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